Yogesh Tak

I'm Programmer, Data Scientist, and storyteller. I work with data to find interesting insights.

Starting 100 days of DataCamp

27 Aug 2020 » python, datascience, learning

I have got my datacamp premium subscription with GitHub Student Developer pack for three month. Aiming at completing a course in a day. I believe that would be 3-4hrs time commitment everyday with all the academics but I’ll manage.

I’ll update this blog everyday just to show what I am learning.

Day1: Intermediate Python
I am learning visualisation in python with matplotlib library.

Sample of work:

>>> from django.utils.html import strip_tags
>>> strip_tags('<p>this is a title</p>')
'this is a title'
# Basic scatter plot, log scale
plt.scatter(gdp_cap, life_exp)

# Strings
xlab = 'GDP per Capita [in USD]'
ylab = 'Life Expectancy [in years]'
title = 'World Development in 2007'

# Add axis labels

# Add title

# After customizing, display the plot
